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Reasons, Why ATTENDPRO is making waves in Automatic attendance market?

Let me help you and take you through this.

What is this ATTENDPRO?

This is the question everyone’s asking in the automatic attendance market, it is basically a software that is designed for the biometric machines that in coming days will be used in almost all devices. One just need to mark the attendance with by fingerprints and rest of the work it will do. the

What are the Benefits that ATTENDPRO is offering?

  • Zero Human Interaction: There is no human interaction required in order to mark the attendance. It will do it’s itsy bitsy on it’s own with the help of on-line monitoring under which with the help of which it’ll immediate display of transactions received from the end of biometric machine.
  • Zero Proxy Attendance: Buddy punching can be eliminated with the help of this system as it will enables the user to eliminate student proxy attendance.
  • Real-Time Attendance: With the help of finger recognition it verify student’s identity and record its in and out time with the help of all required details.


What are the function it behold?

  • STUDENTS: Information such as Student ID and Names will be shown respectively. You can check if the biometric machine is connected to your software or not, By using the Test connection function.
  • SAVE SCHEDULE AFTER: It defines the minutes, after which the attendance will be marked. For eg. If you set the ‘save schedule after’ time as 15 minutes. Let us assume that your lecture is at 10:00 am, students who will be punching IN till 10:15 will be marked present and the rest will be marked as absent. Attendance will get saved at 10:15 am.
  • MACHINES: From this panel, you can connect the machine and check whether it is connected with the Attendpro or not. Click on NEW MACHINE to add the machine on Attendpro. You can edit the machine details, Click on Actions and then on Edit.
  • IN-OUT DIFFERENCE: These minutes defines a time after which the punches will be recorded as OUT for the Students who were already IN. For eg. If you set the ‘IN-OUT difference’ as 30 minutes. If a student “A” punches IN at 10:00 am, if “A” tries to punch multiple times on the machine within 10:30 am, student will be marked as present but If student “A” punches after 10:30 am, then “A” will be marked absent.
  • PUNCH RECORD: It will show the number of students who Punched IN/OUT on the machine.